Saturday, September 14, 2024

Understanding Python Bitwise Operations

Bitwise operations in Python allow you to directly manipulate the binary representations of numbers. This may sound complex at first, but it's actually quite straightforward once you understand how it works. In this blog, we'll break down what bitwise operations are, how they work, and provide simple examples to help you grasp the concept easily.

1. What Are Bitwise Operations?

Bitwise operations perform actions on the binary digits (bits) of numbers. Every integer in a computer is stored as a sequence of bits, which are 0s and 1s. Bitwise operations allow you to directly manipulate these bits using specific operators.

2. Bitwise Operators in Python

Python provides several bitwise operators:

  1. AND (&)
  2. OR (|)
  3. NOT (~)
  4. XOR (^)
  5. Left Shift (<<)
  6. Right Shift (>>)

Let's dive into each of these with examples.

3. Bitwise AND (&)

  • Purpose: Compares each bit of two numbers. If both bits are 1, it returns 1; otherwise, it returns 0.
  • Syntax: a & b


a = 5 # Binary: 0101 b = 3 # Binary: 0011 result = a & b # 0101 & 0011 = 0001 (Binary) = 1 (Decimal) print(result) # Output: 1

4. Bitwise OR (|)

  • Purpose: Compares each bit of two numbers. If at least one of the bits is 1, it returns 1.
  • Syntax: a | b


a = 5 # Binary: 0101 b = 3 # Binary: 0011 result = a | b # 0101 | 0011 = 0111 (Binary) = 7 (Decimal) print(result) # Output: 7

5. Bitwise NOT (~)

  • Purpose: Inverts all the bits of a number (0 becomes 1 and 1 becomes 0).
  • Syntax: ~a


a = 5 # Binary: 0101 result = ~a # Inverts to 1010 (in 2's complement form, it's -6 in decimal) print(result) # Output: -6

6. Bitwise XOR (^)

  • Purpose: Compares each bit of two numbers. If the bits are different, it returns 1; if they're the same, it returns 0.
  • Syntax: a ^ b


a = 5 # Binary: 0101 b = 3 # Binary: 0011 result = a ^ b # 0101 ^ 0011 = 0110 (Binary) = 6 (Decimal) print(result) # Output: 6

7. Bitwise Left Shift (<<)

  • Purpose: Shifts the bits of the number to the left by a specified number of positions. Each shift to the left doubles the number.
  • Syntax: a << n (where n is the number of positions to shift)


a = 5 # Binary: 0101 result = a << 1 # 0101 << 1 = 1010 (Binary) = 10 (Decimal) print(result) # Output: 10 result = a << 2 # 0101 << 2 = 10100 (Binary) = 20 (Decimal) print(result) # Output: 20

8. Bitwise Right Shift (>>)

  • Purpose: Shifts the bits of the number to the right by a specified number of positions. Each shift to the right halves the number.
  • Syntax: a >> n (where n is the number of positions to shift)


a = 5 # Binary: 0101 result = a >> 1 # 0101 >> 1 = 0010 (Binary) = 2 (Decimal) print(result) # Output: 2 result = a >> 2 # 0101 >> 2 = 0001 (Binary) = 1 (Decimal) print(result) # Output: 1

9. Summary of Bitwise Operations

Here's a quick recap of the bitwise operations we've covered:

  • AND (&): Compares each bit; returns 1 if both are 1.
  • OR (|): Compares each bit; returns 1 if at least one is 1.
  • NOT (~): Inverts all the bits.
  • XOR (^): Compares each bit; returns 1 if bits are different.
  • Left Shift (<<): Shifts bits to the left, effectively multiplying the number.
  • Right Shift (>>): Shifts bits to the right, effectively dividing the number.

10. Why Learn Bitwise Operations?

Understanding bitwise operations is essential for several programming tasks, such as:

  • Low-level programming: Bitwise operations are crucial in system programming, networking, and embedded systems.
  • Performance optimization: Some tasks can be performed faster with bitwise operations compared to regular arithmetic operations.
  • Cryptography and data compression: Bitwise operations are used extensively in encryption algorithms and data compression techniques.


Bitwise operations may seem tricky at first, but once you break them down, they're quite simple and powerful. With practice, you'll find these operations incredibly useful for tasks that require direct manipulation of binary data. Try out the examples provided and see how they work in your own Python code.

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